We offer the exclusively complimentary Unlimited
Movie service. In-room guests are invited to enjoy this service at the
LUNA Digital Cinemax on the 3rd and 4th floor. Choose a movie you
like, book tickets in advance, then take the elevator downstairs to
the movie theater. Easy and Enjoy!
Movie Ticket Booking Hour:15:00 -23:30, 8:00-10:45
Service Counter:6F Front Desk
Available Movie Sessions:Check-in Day 15:00 – Check-out Day 11:00
※ All Movie Sessions are available, except for the VIP Hall.
1. Movie service is provided based upon the room type; children under
the age of 12 for free.
2. Guests in each room may book more than one movie at one time as
long as they all start within two hours.
3. Please book the new movie session after the last movie has ended.
4. The number of movie tickets cannot exceed the number of room guests
at one time.
5. Please check the Showtime thru in-room TV or
Hotel official website.
6. Please follow the Movie Rating System.
7. Please book the movie ticket in advance.
8. Please check out of your room before attending the morning movie,
if it is the last day of your stay.